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Call or Text: (714) 388-6179

Our bodies are made up of a measurable field of energy that both determines and reflects the health of our body, mind, and emotions. In the field of science, this energy is often referred to as the Quantum Field. Energy healing sessions utilize ancient techniques from our ancestors, combined with modern scientific techniques, to help balance the energy within and around your body.

Emotional and mental stress, pain, wounds, and trauma are known to be held within our bodies. This can lead to physical disease. Ideally, energy healing is utilized to prevent disease by working at the onset of physical, emotional, or mental symptoms. We encourage our clients to combine their sessions with a lifestyle that includes energy work. This can be anything from meditation to positive thinking to journaling, among others.

Energy healing can also help to treat more severe or chronic issues as well. True healing happens by addressing the root cause of a symptom. That is why we offer a combination of energy healing with Shadow Work Coaching. To learn more, click here.

Our clients frequently report that energy healing helps them:

  • have increased energy and motivation
  • feel relaxed and peaceful
  • have a positive mindset
  • gain clarity
  • relieve physical pain

Prices are all inclusive: gratuity and tax are NOT charged, nor accepted. 

1x month: $100

2x month: $90

3x month: $80

4x month +: $75

30 minutes, 1.5 hours, and 2 hour sessions available

What type of energy healing does Sophia Insight offer?

Ali Hartson is trained in several modalities, including Reiki, Healing Touch, and Cranial Sacral, among others. She utilizes her intuition to determine what is best for each session, typically integrating several modalities within one session. Clients may request specific methods if they prefer.

What can I expect during an energy healing session?

  • New client sessions typically take about 1.5 – 2 hours. This includes a full intake of your physical, emotional, and mental wellbeing and symptoms of any issues that you’re concerned about. Returning clients typically take 60 – 90 minutes. This includes assessing your progress between sessions.
  • Typically you will lie face-up on a massage table for the entire session, but there are times you may lie face down if you are able to.
  • You will be fully clothed.
  • Ali either hovers her hands over your body, or gently lies her hands on your body for some treatments, but only if you are comfortable with touch.
  • You can keep your eyes opened or closed. You can ask questions or provide feedback if you’re experiencing any sensations. Some clients prefer to use this time to remain silent and meditate.
  • Some people are very surprised by the sensations they feel, or the visuals they get. Others don’t feel or see anything. The energy is working regardless.
  • Afterwards, Ali will debrief with you to the extent that you’re comfortable. Some people want to discuss the sensations they felt or visuals they received. Some have questions about what showed up in the session for their healing. Ali may offer recommendations for what you can do at home for your continued healing in between sessions.

How do couples sessions work?

  • The session will typically take about 2 hours.
  • It is very similar to a one-on-one session (see the above question), except that you will lie on the floor with comfortable padding and pillows.
  • If you are comfortable with gentle touch during the session, you will both feel touch for most of the session, as Ali works to connect the energy flow between the two of you. There are times when only one of you will feel touch at a time.
  • You can choose to focus your intention for the session about your relationship, or you can choose to make it completely individual like a one-on-one session. Even with an individual focus, your combined energy in a session magnifies your connection, support, and love for each other as you move forward on your path both independently and together.

Does energy healing violate my religious beliefs?

Some people are strictly attracted to the science of energy healing. Some people are attracted to the spiritual aspect of connecting with our souls. Others are attracted to the aspect of energy healing that honors all religions by calling on God, angels, our ancestors, and others to guide us through each session.

Ultimately, this is a personal question that must be decided by you. Ali is always happy to discuss this topic with anyone. Please feel free to contact us.