These 11 values are the filter through which all decisions are made, clients are treated, and team members collaborate. When our actions align with our words, we honor ourselves and our community.

Click on a value below to learn more.

1~ Intention with Integrity

Whether in public or private – we speak, act, and even think, with conscious intention. We do not gossip. We follow through with our commitments. We are aware of how our tone and body language affects others. We treat one another as we want our most favorite person in the world to be treated.

2~ Personal Responsibility

We take personal responsibility for every single relationship, interaction, and situation that we are part of. We do not shame nor blame others. We prioritize our physical, emotional, mental, and spiritual health. We look within and respond with love for ourselves and our community.

3~ Fierce Love

We embody a fiery combination of compassion, kindness, and honesty. We assume the very best in others, even when we don’t understand. We commit to learning and growing in self-love for the ability to other-love.

4~ Freedom in Diversity

We celebrate diversity, including diversity of thought. We respect and honor others’ choices without judgment, whether we understand them or not.

5~ Time and Space Matter

We consider what we are communicating to others when we honor their time and space. We are conscious of how we show up to every space. We leave every space as good as we found it, if not better. We commit to doing our very best to be on time. 

6~ Abundant Curiosity

We never stop learning. We embrace ongoing training. We are willing to try new things. We seek to understand and find alignment. We celebrate our mistakes, for they can be some of our greatest teachers.

7~ Joyous Everything

We play, laugh, sing, dance, and find joy and gratitude in all that we do. We take very seriously the art of not taking ourselves too seriously. We allow joy to lead us to our abundance. Anything other than joy we are grateful to for the contrast, and we turn once again towards our joyous-mushy-center.

8~ Co-creative Leadership

We strive to ask of others, including our clients, only that which we have done ourselves.

We are all co-creators.

We are all leaders. Some of us lead others on teams or projects, but we never command. Team-leads guide and support.

We all inspire and lead by example in all that we do. We earn respect. We earn trust.

We participate in ongoing personal development / shadow work.

9~ Consensus with Community

We make decisions through consensus with those who are in a decision-making position. We strive to include those the decision affects when reasonable. Those with decision-making responsibility have earned the right to make the final decision. We all take the time to hear and understand one another.

10~ Quantum Healing & Living

We are committed to quantum evidence-based techniques and technology.

11~ Conscious Culture Creation

We value and honor our unique culture. We align all decisions, systems, and processes with our values. Our values exist in order to achieve our company mission, while upholding our commitment to consciously create our culture in every moment.